
Monday, June 10, 2013

Why did I start a blog?

There are so many blogs out there today that pretty much cover all the same thing. I know that some of my own blog posts are linked to other blog posts with the same pattern and idea. So why start a blog that is like so many others? My blog is more of an online scrapbook of my projects to document where I found the pattern or inspiration. This scrapbook will be available for my children when they become an age where they will appreciate the process and thought that went into many of my crochet and quilt items.

As a young girl my mother was always sewing, crocheting or working on a needlework project. While I was young, though I admired the work my mother did, I did not really try and learn from her. My mother was kinda hard to learn from. Her patience was very short and she was a perfectionist when it came to her needlework. She tried to teach me to cross stitch at one time and because I could not make the back of my work as neat as the front, she gave up on tutoring me. Some people have the patience to teach, while others do not. Sadly, I took after my mother in the patience department.

My mother passed away when I was only 16. I know that if she was still alive today, she would have taught me her craft because as we age our patience seems to steady a bit. That being said, my children are at the age where they admire the projects I do, but they also do not have the patience or want to learn. I am trying to document my projects so that when they mature to an age of patience, they will as well take up my craft.

Blogging my projects with links and patterns will guide my children in the future on how to duplicate or elaborate their on projects. As I age I can not remember off the top of my head where I found a pattern or how to exactly do a certain stitch. So in the future whenever my daughter decides she wants to finally learn how to crochet, we can go to my blog and look over the steps and patterns I have documented. I do not know if my son will ever become a crafter, but you just never know. Also his future wife might want to know how to do some of the projects I have done.

So this is why I blog my projects, for the future generation.

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