
Thursday, September 29, 2022

Fall is in the Air!!

 We have been staying around the high 70s for the past couple of weeks. We are dropping into the low 60s during the day and high 30s at night starting tomorrow. Rain is coming as well. Fall is definitely in the air!! The apples are just about ready for picking. I was able to pick a container of plums before they passed their prime. 

Sunflowers are ready to be pulled. There are some blooms left but mainly droopy heads of sunflowers. I have over 60 bulbs to plant this weekend. I think I will cut back the iris and maybe the gladiolus too. I have three that are still in bloom, but after this weekend they will be spent. I want to get all the flower beds clean and weed-free before winter hits.

I  have one more mowing of the grass this weekend and then that should be it for the season. I will wait right before we head out on vacation in October to plant all the mums I have in containers into the ground. They might come back next year and might not. I am not too worried about it.

I did begin collecting some of the sunflower seeds. I have quite a bit just from three sunflower heads. I have a lot more to let dry out some more and then I will harvest the seeds. I will work on a head each night until they are done.

I am kinda relieved that we will be moving in July. It gives me the opportunity to enjoy the hiking and biking trails this spring and summer without worrying about plants so much. What survives next season survives. Wherever we land next year, I will set up a really good irrigation system so watering plants doesn't become an obsession again.

One thing I will keep in my landscape wherever we may end up is definitely sweet alyssum. I cut back this hedge of alyssum either late July or early August and it has flushed back even better!!

I have really enjoyed the little flower bed between the patio and greenhouse. The black-eyed Susans, alyssum, violas, and babies' breath are even more vibrant this late in September.

Everything else is going good. I finally got my resume written and uploaded to a few job search sites. I will hit it hard after vacation. I am looking forward to a new avenue in my career. Its scary but exciting at the same time!!

Monday, September 19, 2022

Fall Bulb Planting

 I have been planting so many daffodils these past couple of weekends! I have thus far planted nearly 80 bulbs in the back corner garden. I think this will look so gorgeous this Spring. I will plant a few tulip bulbs in that garden as well. I think between the daffodils, tulips, irises, and peonies that garden will be very vibrant this spring!!

I need to pick up one more package of the double-bloom pink daffodils and one more package of the double-bloom yellow daffodils. I am just shy of 10 plants to finish up a line of daffodils along the left side fence in the back corner garden with the pink daffodils and I decided to plant the yellow ones along part of the fence line in the side yard. I need one more package of the yellow ones to finish up that fence line as well.

I went to Home Depot on Saturday with the sole intention to pick up potting soil and 1 more package of daffodils. Well, I ended up with three new houseplants, four mums, six pansies, six dragon snaps, two cabbages, and one aster. I blame it on Keith because he had me look at some mums and then I saw the cabbage and it lead to potting up three new fall containers.

I love the color combo of this mum and pansies!!

I did move out the huge lime sweet potato vine from my front porch container. It had around eight tubers on it. I am going to try and grow my own vines next season with these tubers. I tried to remove the lavender that I placed in the container next to the garage. The bad boy is rooted in. I will have to try again soon because it requires such little water that any planter combination might end up looking like crap. I placed a boxed wood in the center of the planter and they are fighting one another for dominance. So I will attempt to remove the lavender on Sunday and transplant it in the front corner garden area.

The rest of the weekend I spent cleaning up our master bathroom so I can repaint it during the week. It has mold all above the shower area from when we removed the wallpaper and painted only one coat of paint when we moved in. I will apply some mold-resistant kilz paint and then paint it the original blue color we painted in the beginning hopefully tonight and tomorrow night. I think I might paint the hallway bathroom the same blue this week as well. We will then have to remove the wallpaper in the hallway and paint. Rango and Pepper decided to put a hole in the wall and now that it is patched we have to repaint the whole hallway. It is crazy how a golf ball size hole can cost so much time and money to repair. I am pretty sure we will have to repaint areas in the living room as well. The dogs have a solid dirty spot by their beds that are against the wall. I might be able to steam clean the areas. I hope that is all I need to do.

I think this might be the last weekend I can get a fresh-cut flower arrangement out of my sunflowers. I made an arrangement using only sunflowers with purple sweet potato vine as my frog.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Changes are happening.....

 There will be some huge changes happening in my life in the upcoming months. I already knew my contract with my present employer was ending in July next year. I just was not aware that she was going to severance me beginning in February. I was going to begin my job hunting in February, but now I will have to start as soon as we return from vacation in November. This will also impact our leasing of the old homestead I am sure. We have not discussed that aspect of the job termination just yet. I know last year when I received my final raise from her, she had included $1000.00 a month off my rent as part of my pay. So, if my severance ends in July does that mean I have to be moved out by then or will we need to negotiate rent? I am not sure where I will find employment, but if it is as far away as what Keith drives each day already, we will move closer to the air base.

Right now I will concentrate on revamping my poor resume that hasn't seen the light of day in 15 years. Again, I am not surprised that the company was closing its doors. I am just surprised that she wants to end our working status in February. I kinda see her point of view. If there is no company come July, why keep paying someone an additional 6 months of pay. I get it and totally understand. I was just a little floored with how soon this is happening now. I feel that I will find a new job quickly. The worst case is I work for Cynthia full-time until I find a more suitable position. I think I could work for Cynthia with no problems, but she might not want to match my pay and Keith is worried about her age and the longevity of the company.

My plans for the garden next year are vamping down. I will not try and plant as many plants next year as I had planned. I might try and start a few of the plants I have in seeds, but not all of them. One reason is why waste good seeds in a place I might not see their full growing season and also we will not run irrigation to the back corner garden now. That is a lot of hand watering!!

I do want to try my hand at growing the Muenster Lavendar from seed this winter. I know wherever we end up, I will always plant me some Muenster Lavender. I will also harvest some of my sunflowers for seeds. I will not utilize my galvanized raised planter beds. I will tear those back down and just plant seeds/plants straight into the ground next season in the areas I have the raised beds.

I am nervous and excited about the next stage in my career.  I will have to get used to working with other people again and working back in a full office atmosphere, but it is only for another 10 to 15 years at best that I have to have a game face. LOL!!

On to a fun topic (gardening), I finally got some blooms on my other dahlia that I planted in the back corner garden. It is more yellow than orange. I plan on digging up the tubers and replanting them next season in containers.

Another pleasant surprise in the garden this past weekend was another gorgeous type of sunflower blooming. It is the fuzziest sunflower I have ever seen. I just love it!!

In early July, I transplanted a bunch of succulents from this one planter I had tried to keep alive all winter. They lived but the container was just too small for all that was in it. This is one of the combinations I did and these little guys have tripled in size!!

With so many coneflowers, sunflowers, and zinnias that are in bloom in the garden, I decided to make another fresh-cut flower arrangement. This one is slightly smaller than the weekend before, but I just love it.

So lots of changes happening in the next few months, but nothing we cannot handle. I think this push is what I need to utilize the degree I received last year and to make the type of salary I truly deserve!! Nothing but good things will happen!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Sunflowers are on my mind!!

 I cannot write how much I have enjoyed my sunflowers this season!! They have just made me smile every time I gaze upon them and see all the pollinators gorging themselves!!

Gorgeous Color!! Wish I had more than one of these!

This one plant has just produced so many flowers!!

Love the pointy blooms on this one!!

This one plant has many blooms and many more waiting to burst open!!

Busy Bee!!

So Monday morning I thought it would be great to gather some sunflowers, marigolds, and coneflowers and make a bouquet. I added cilantro and sweet alyssum as filler greens. I love the way it turned out!!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Gardening Wins!!

 Since I began my journey this season by really working on gardening, I have had some failures and some wins. A few fails were not producing any vegetables at the time frame I thought I would. Let's face it, I only have a handful of cherry tomatoes that might truly produce this season. I lost spinach, lettuce, okra, cucumbers, dill, chives, and eggplants. 

My goal this season was to make the backyard a little oasis that we could enjoy. I think we have succeeded. I sit out on the back patio and in the corner garden nearly every morning. We did have some type of animal die under our shed and sitting outside in the evenings is difficult until the smell completely dissipates. But other than that, we have enjoyed our backyard all season.

Many of the flowers that I thought would not survive have and not only survived but are thriving. I am loving how the grass has come back in our backyard. Last year the landlord had completely devastated the backyard with repairs to the septic and then trenching electricity to his garage in the back. We had a rock and dirt backyard last year. We have worked so hard to finally have some green grass. It isn't perfect but at least it is grass.

This whole area was nothing but dirt and rocks
last summer. Although it is nowhere how it should
be at this point from the time we began renting
this old homestead, if nothing else is destroyed
it will be so lush next summer.

I am still loving the fence we built during our Covid illness. I am very surprised it is still standing considering how horrible Keith and I really felt. I got in my galvanized raised beds and cannot wait until next season when I will fill them with sunflowers and vegetable plants!!

Another big win I feel, is when I removed all the plants struggling in the hanging containers on the arch and added them to the rock patio flower bed. They have thrived and doubled if not tripled in size. I am really shocked that the pansies are still so beautiful this late in August!!

My cilantro is out of control along with the parsley. But the green textures in this flower bed are amazing. 

The wildflowers I planted in the small flower bed between the greenhouse and patio have just exploded. The yellow coneflowers are blooming and just add so much dimension to this sweet little spot.

The wild marigolds are so vibrant and full in front of the shed!! One side is larger and fuller than the other one because it receives a lot more sunlight. Next season I will have to figure out something different. Maybe planters flanking the doors as long as the dogs do not mess with them.

Next week I will try and update on the back corner garden. I did some weeding and removing of some rocks. I think I might have killed a couple of lantana plants due to moving them in the heat of the day. I am working hard on bringing them back. It was a dumb rookie mistake especially when one was blooming the brightest and sweetest blooms.

Lessons learned for sure!! But the back corner garden is coming along nicely. I do have some sunflowers blooming in that area. They are nowhere as tall as the ones in the sideyard, but they are still full of buds. I plan on planting some daffodil bulbs among the irises this weekend. I think the two plants intermingling will be so beautiful this spring. Plus the texture of their foliage will add to the cottage garden vibe. I think it is also time for me to plant the yarrow and cone flowers that are in pots in the front garden beds. Water just pours straight through the pots that the yarrow is in. 

My goal these next few weeks is to get all the flower beds clear of any weeds. I will need to spread roundup all over the grass and weeds in the front corner garden bed and begin structuring out the layout for it. Some grass is growing back up in the existing flower bed. So some front yard maintenance this weekend. It is hard to work on those beds sometimes because they are in full sun all day. I think the tree might shade that area for a very short time in the morning.  But I will just dawn my sun hat and get to it this weekend. I have such high hopes for the front yard next year.