
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Cookies & Stockings

It has been a busy week! We received some much needed snow and are expecting even more in the next few days. We will definitely have a white Christmas in the Wasatch Mountains!! One thing about living so far away from family is sending the nieces and nephews their Christmas presents and goodies. It takes close to 7 days for a shipment from me to them to arrive so that means I have to begin Christmas shopping and baking early. That is what I have been up to this week, baking cookies for all the kiddos!

Decided to go with the Ugly Christmas Sweater theme this year since the kids are becoming older. I must say next year they might just receive kits to do themselves! A lot of work went into these since I had to prepare them to ship. It was worth the time and effort though.
I'm definitely no Martha Stewart, but my daughter and I gave it our all. 
I also had to make a few batches of cookies for the adults as well. I also sent some to my son who cannot come home for the holidays this year. He is busy doing his duty for our country in the Air Force and I could not be more proud and understanding.
The Top Hat is resting on top of our Christmas tree and the stockings have all been hung. I can now relax until Christmas dinner and enjoy some egg nog and Christmas music.

I know it is a little early, but to everyone have a Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Catching Up!!

Sorry for the long absence from blogging.... I didn't realize how many months it has been..... This year is almost over and I feel as if I didn't do as much crocheting. Maybe I did but this year has just flown by. I have a few projects still going but I haven't picked my hook up in over a month.

Just a few pictures showing you what I have been up to of late.

Fresh Pomegranate Juice!! Took some time but got a whole mason jar out of 4 pomegranates.

Decorating for Christmas

A trip to Pigeon Forge, TN to visit the family!

Hiking the Smokey Mountains with niece, nephew, and daughter! Oh the hubs was there too!!

Smokey Mountain National Forest in Gatlinburg, TN